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Full member

Any person who has a recognized education of several years (e.g. university, university of applied sciences, legally prescribed education for health professions) in the field of medicine, nutrition, dietetics or natural sciences, or who is studying in one of these fields, can become an ordinary member.

The Executive Board prepares a list of the training courses to be acknowledged. If in doubt, the Executive Board will decide, if necessary in consultation with a competent Advisory, whether a membership application can be approved. This decision is binding.

Supporting member

Supporting members can be persons as well as legal entities who wish to support the association through their membership fees and, if desired, through active cooperation. However, supporting members do not have the right to vote in the annual general meeting.

Corporate supporting member

Corporate suporting members can be companies with reference to low-carb/ketogenic diet who wish to support the association through their membership fees (depending on size of comapny (number of employees)) and aim to advertise their company in the KetoMed network. To become a corporate supporting member please download and return the completed membership application form (see right side) to

How to become a KetoMed member

Fill out the membership application form below. The board will decide on your application and you will be informed of the result by e-mail. Following a successful application, you will receive an invoice for the membership fee.

Duration of membership

A membership is always valid until December 31 of a year and is automatically renewed if no notice of cancellation is received in due time.

Costs of membership

Regular membership fees are 80 EUR per year, per person. Corporate memberships depend on the size of the company (number of employees).

Payment modalities

The membership fee must be paid by March 31 each year. Payment is possible by bank transfer and SEPA direct debit mandate. As of the 2nd reminder, a reminder fee may be charged. In certain cases we offer installment payments. Please contact us (in time) for this. For further information, please refer to our membership fee regulations.

Cancellation of membership

Membership can be cancelled by e-mail, post or fax and must be notified by November 30 of a year. Cancellations are always effective at the end of the year.


What are the advantages of a membership?

  • Membership newsletter
  • Exchange with specialists and experts
  • Quarterly “virtual regulars’ table” – KetoMed Meetup
  • Discounted participation in congresses, training courses and seminars
  • Expert database

For companies

  • Presentation of your company on the website with logo, link to the company website and short description

Do you have questions about membership?

Feel free to send us an e-mail to


Membership Application Form

z.B. Medizin, Biologie, Ernährungswissenschaften, Diätologie
z.B. Innere Medizin, Onkologie, Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Epilepsie, Diätologie
Drop your file here or click here to upload
* mandatory (except for supporting members)

Nach positivem Entscheid über Ihren Antrag erhalten Sie eine Rechnung und unsere Bankverbindung. Der Mitgliedsbeitrag ist dann fällig und innerhalb von 14 Tagen auf das genannte Konto einzuzahlen. Er gilt für das laufende Kalenderjahr. Als Mitglied verpflichten Sie sich zur pünktlichen Zahlung des jährlichen Mitgliedsbeitrags in der jeweils von der Mitgliederversammlung beschlossenen Höhe. Der Vorstand kann ein Mitglied ausschließen, wenn dies trotz schriftlicher Mahnung unter Setzung einer angemessenen Nachfrist im Rückstand ist. Die Zahlungsverpflichtung für offene Mitgliedsbeiträge bleibt davon unberührt.